[sumo] Sumo and Sushi In Tampa

Nick Tallyn nick_tallyn at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 26 22:17:36 EDT 2024

 My wife and I also went to the Sumo Sushi Battle in Tampa. It wasn't quite what we were expecting, but it was certainly entertaining, nonetheless. Our only prior experience with live sumo was the World Games in Birmingham two years ago.
The event started with emcee Andrew Freund (USA Sumo) introducing the wrestlers for the event: Mendee (4-time US Sumo Open winner), Hiroki (former Juryo Hishofuji), and Ichi (former Sekiwake Ichinojo). After introductions, the rikishi did some shiko and demonstrated the rules of sumo (how to win a bout; forbidden moves) as well as a couple of techniques (yorikiri, uwatenage). The three fighters performed a double round robin of matches, interspersed with questions from the audience (some general, some addressed to specific rikishi). The audience was clearly a mix of those new to sumo (asking about training, diet, etc) and those who definitely had knowledge of the sport (one asked Ichi about his Emperor's Cup tournament). After the tournament (Ichi 4-0, Hiroki 2-2, Mendee 0-4), several audience members were given the chance to "fight" against the wrestler of their choice (similar to the demonstration event videos). Of course, the audience members (usually) won the bouts, even the 9 year old who had gone flying before pushing Mendee out. At the end, the wrestlers posed with the audience members (probably 2/3 of the crowd lined up for the photos). I don't recall if attachments can be sent on the list, so I will send a photo separately.
I was entertained, and my wife really enjoyed the interactions with the crowd -- answering questions, posing for photos, etc. Our only real disappointment was the venue wasn't too viewer-friendly (it was a flat floor, so those in back had a hard time viewing, but there were live TVs). It was definitely a good event for exposure to sumo. For the more serious fan (such as on this list), it was rather basic, but as I mentioned before, enjoyable.


    On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 03:51:26 AM EDT, Jezz <jejima at gmail.com> wrote:  
 My good friend went. Here is a summary of what he wrote to me.....
Just a quick note that we had a great time! Thanks for letting me know of the event. [My Japanese wife] asked a lot of questions of the MC/referee and [our teenage son] enjoyed the event too. The audience was very engaged and responsive, so a very successful evening!

On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 at 19:32, Jeffrey Anderson <jpaitv at gmail.com> wrote:

I believe that someone on this list is going to it. I hope that he will give us his report  about the evening.

Best regards,Jeffrey AndersonGaijingai - Foreign Ruler of the Dohyo
For of all sad words of tongue or pen,The saddest are these:It might have been.- John Greenleaf Whittier_______________________________________________
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