[sumo] Fwd: [Sumo news] - Play some fun sumo games!!

Jeffrey Anderson jpaitv at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 10:41:25 EDT 2024

More game information from Moti.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Anderson

For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
It might have been.
- John Greenleaf Whittier

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Moti Dichne <niramiai at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 7:51 AM
Subject: [Sumo news] - Play some fun sumo games!!
To: Sumo Newsletter2 <sumo-newsletter2 at googlegroups.com>

Indeed. Some games need registration, but you will be asked politely..

Dailies, meaning you have to play them every day:

ISP <https://isp.sumogames.de/Entry.aspx>

Chaingang <https://chaingang.sumogames.de/Entry.aspx>

Turn the Tide <https://turnthetide.sumogames.de/Entry.aspx>

Sekitoto <https://sekitoto.sumogames.de/Entry.aspx>

Bench Sumo <https://benchsumo.sumogames.de/>  -(oops, too late to enter..)

Odd Sumo <https://www.sumogames.de/Golynohana/ODDSUMO/Default.aspx>

Quadrumvirate <https://www.sumogames.de/Golynohana/QUAD/Default.aspx>

Sumo Game <https://www.japan-guide.com/sumo/member.html>

German sumoforum- (minimum knowledge of German or good intuition are
needed..) <https://tipspiel.sumofan.net/viewforum.php?f=1>

Pre-basho, meaning you have to send your picks before the basho starts and
forget about it till the end:

Juryo Game <https://juryo.sumogames.de/>

Hoshitori Game <https://sumodb.sumogames.de/Hoshi/HoshEntry.aspx>

Salary Cap <https://www.sumogames.de/Golynohana/SALARYCAP/Default.aspx>

Roto Sumo <https://rotosumo.sumogames.de/Entry.aspx>

UDH <http://udh.seisa.de/udh_index.html>


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