[sumo] The Passing of Barbara Ann Klein

R. Brown brownro214 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 07:21:22 EDT 2024

Sorry to hear this Jeff.  Barbara used to comment often and offered
interesting insights to our small sumo community.  Condolences to her
family and friends.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:26 AM Jeffrey Anderson <jpaitv at gmail.com> wrote:

> It is my very sad duty to tell you that Barbara Ann Klein, also known as
> Babanoshuzan to early gamers, passed away May 22. She was a frequent
> contributor to this listserve for well over 20 years, going back to the mid
> 1990’s.  I loved her as a dear friend over the decades, and she also me. I
> don’t know what else to say as I am truly mourning Her passing. If you have
> a special memory of Barbara Ann, treasure it in your heart or share it here
> with us, her long time listserver friends and acquaintances.
> Barbara Ann was the one who gave me my nickname of Gai and She always used
> it when talking with me. I gave her the special nickname of Baba and used
> it always with her.
> Best regards,
> Jeffrey Anderson
> Gaijingai
> For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
> The saddest are these:
> It might have been.
> - John Greenleaf Whittier
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