Mailinglist Archive

Computers, Networks and Theft
From:Joe Klemmer
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:14:08 -0400

Computers, Networks and Theft
by Yury Mashevsky - Virus Analyst, Kaspersky Lab
Friday, 20 October 2006

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Every day more and
more users and organizations use them to store data which is a type of
property. Although most people take great care of their physical
property, this is often not the case where virtual property is

The majority of users are still oblivious to the fact that someone
somewhere may be interested in what they are doing. They still believe
that there is nothing on their computers that is of value to
cybercriminals and that they are invulnerable to malware. This article
takes a look at the issue from the other side i.e. from the cyber
criminals’ point of view.