Mailinglist Archive

Cluster Urban Legends: Build Your Cluster With Facts Not Fiction
From:Joe Klemmer
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 08:35:06 -0400

Cluster Urban Legends: Build Your Cluster With Facts Not Fiction
Thursday, June 21st, 2007By Douglas Eadline

Just like there are "urban legends" that never seem to die, so it seems
there are "cluster urban legends" that persist even today. We've all
seen or heard them -- wacky things people say about HPC clusters. As a
service to those entering the cluster HPC (High Performance Computing)
community, I've decided to dispel some of my personal favorites.
Hopefully, these legends (misconceptions) will eventually fade, but then
again, this is the Internet Age. Pay particular attention if you
considering building or engineering a cluster. Understanding these key
concepts is the first step.