[sumo] Fwd: [Sumo news] - Training news

Jeffrey Anderson jpaitv at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 10:27:20 EDT 2024


Best regards,
Jeffrey Anderson

For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
It might have been.
- John Greenleaf Whittier

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Moti Dichne <niramiai at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 6:01 AM
Subject: [Sumo news] - Training news
To: Sumo Newsletter2 <sumo-newsletter2 at googlegroups.com>

Nagoya basho starts on July 14th (this Sunday) and will run until July 28th.

Kadoban Takakeishou has announced he will be entering Nagoya. He trained at
home yesterday, fundamentals only. He suffered from heatstroke symptoms
these last few days and was not well and did not do any sumo. "No problem.
I can only gambarize as I head into the basho. At this point, there ain't
no use in hurrying things. I've been doing my best these last two months,"
he said. "It's going to be an unrehearsed show.. The neck is still a
problem, so all he can do is get ready while keeping an eye on it.." said
his Oyakata.

Reigning champion Oonosato came for degeiko to Sadogatake beya today, where
he found 7 other sekitori to train with and had the most bouts- 21. This
was his first and last degeiko session this time.3-3 against Ozeki
Kotozakura, 4-2 against Sekiwake Kirishima, 12-9 overall. "Extremely many
people were there, and it was extremely good keiko," he said. The keiko was
held outdoors, so it was extremely hot and everyone was extremely dripping
with sweat. Other than the Nishonoseki rengo keiko, it was the first time
Oonosato went for degeiko in a non- Tokyo basho. The Sadogatake lodgings
are pretty far off, and it took him over an hour to get there, but he
arrived a bit early at around 6:40 AM, earlier than the Sadogatake boys as
well.. With the preparations and all, he was there for four hours. "I know
I will face  the Ozeki (Kotozakura) during the basho so I wanted to train
with him. By the time I faced him I was exhausted.. In this condition, how
well can I do?" he mused. Before the last basho, he also went to Sadogatake
for degeiko for the sole purpose of training with Kotozakura who was 2-0
against him at the time, and later beat him for the first time during the
basho. "I came today and it boosted my confidence and I even managed to
tackle some issues.. I'm done with all the yusho celebrations and can now
get back to business. I hope to repay my fans' support by winning the
yusho," he summed.

Sekiwake "I need 10 wins to return to Ozeki" Kirishima also came to
Sadogatake beya to train with some serious opposition. 15 bouts in all, 8-7
against the likes of Oonosato and Daieishou. 2-4 against Oonosato, but the
2 wins were decisive. "My body is moving much better. Everyone has the
chance for the yusho. I intend to aim for my third yusho. I have been able
to hit with my head pretty well - after all, that is my go-to technique of
yore. Day 1 is getting closer so I will be thinking of my body as I finish
up my preparations, " he said. It does seem he is not afraid of injuring
his neck any more, observed the reporter.


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