[sumo] The Passing of Barbara Ann Klein

Scott Kahn smk1 at caa.columbia.edu
Tue Jun 11 01:16:19 EDT 2024


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 1:02 AM Scott Kahn <smk1 at caa.columbia.edu> wrote:

> Oh, my, I am in shock.  I can’t believe it.
> Barbara Ann was so generous to me and my family.  And, to so many who love
> sumo, including all rikishi.
> I wouldn’t know where to start.  Whether it was helping Bob Reimer and his
> lovely wife when he was diagnosed with melanoma.  Taking a photo of
> Daughter of Sukubidubidu to her adopted Jonokuchi-level rikishi, Gagamaru,
> and returning with a photo of Gaga smiling, holding the same picture in his
> hands.
> Or, her close personal relationship with a young wrestler from Mongolia,
> befriending him when he was just starting out in sumo, like she did with so
> many rikishi who adored her.  They became close personal friends, to the
> point where she became godmother to his children.  She accompanied him on
> occasion to Mongolia, and he would stay with her in New York when he
> visited here.
> One evening when Barbara Ann and I were at a sushi restaurant in
> Manhattan, she received a call from him.  “I’m here”, he said, and he asked
> her to come meet him for dinner.  Barbara Ann asked me to come along with
> her, and at first I refused, not wanting to disturb their friendship.  She
> would have nothing to do with my refusal, saying that I was also her
> friend.  So, I went with her.  I met her friend, his brother, and a few
> other people.  To see in person, how strong their friendship was, and how
> much they enjoyed each other’s company, was priceless.  He was such a kind,
> thoughtful, respectful young gentleman.
> Those who saw Barbara Ann’s leather jacket that she proudly wore, know who
> her friend is.  He gifted her with a yusho portrait.  He confided in her.
> As did many other rikishi.
> I am sure that he and his family join us in mourning, upon learning of
> this sad news.
> Please excuse me while I shed tears for a dear friend…
> Sukubidubidu
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:25 AM Jeffrey Anderson <jpaitv at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It is my very sad duty to tell you that Barbara Ann Klein, also known as
>> Babanoshuzan to early gamers, passed away May 22. She was a frequent
>> contributor to this listserve for well over 20 years, going back to the mid
>> 1990’s.  I loved her as a dear friend over the decades, and she also me. I
>> don’t know what else to say as I am truly mourning Her passing. If you have
>> a special memory of Barbara Ann, treasure it in your heart or share it here
>> with us, her long time listserver friends and acquaintances.
>> Barbara Ann was the one who gave me my nickname of Gai and She always
>> used it when talking with me. I gave her the special nickname of Baba and
>> used it always with her.
>> Best regards,
>> Jeffrey Anderson
>> Gaijingai
>> For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
>> The saddest are these:
>> It might have been.
>> - John Greenleaf Whittier
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