[sumo] Fwd: [Sumo news] - Training news

Jeffrey Anderson jpaitv at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 22:00:30 EDT 2024


Best regards,
Jeffrey Anderson

For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
It might have been.
- John Greenleaf Whittier

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Moti Dichne <niramiai at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 1:49 PM
Subject: [Sumo news] - Training news
To: Sumo Newsletter2 <sumo-newsletter2 at googlegroups.com>

Yokozuna Terunofuji trained at home today- 9 bouts against Nishikifuji and
others. No talking to strange reporters later. Both knees and both elbows
taped up. Fundamentals, then some bouts checking out stuff, then explaining
how to stay in the dohyo when being pushed back to some Makushita rikishi.
"He is doing what he can.." said the Oyakata.

Juryo ex-beast till he was injured Hakuouhou trained at home at Isegahama
beya today, facing Atamifuji, Nishikifuji and others. Last basho he left
with that nagging arm injury he has. He lost some weight but appears now to
have regained it. "My condition has become better and IO am able to train
well, " he said. "I've fallen on the Banzuke but I want to contend for the
Juryo yusho and return to Makuuchi," he declared.

Another relative newcomer Juryo Takerufuji who took the yusho by storm in
March and missed last basho, dropping back to Juryo, has yet to do any
sumo, but says he intends to enter. He has been doing some butsugari and
fundamentals. "My feeling towards entering has never changed (meaning he
intends to enter..). At this point I m doing my best to do all I can," he

Oonosato Ozeki run? "I'm not really thinking about it," he said. He trained
at home with Juryo Shirokuma and others and was 7-4.  Last night he had his
yusho parade in his hometown and returned to the heya after 11 PM. "I went
right to bed so I was able to train as usual," he explained.


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